Catherine Milos
Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Action & Adventure, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, Women's Fiction, LGBT, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Poetry, General Nonfiction
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Jun 2020
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Escape into the magical worlds of author and fable witch Catherine Milos. Catherine Milos is a best-selling Canadian author who has been writing stories since she could hold a crayon. Aside from writing, Catherine’s passions include rescuing strays, creating and appreciating art, connecting with nature, and being amazed by the magic of life. She hates Brussels Sprouts. Catherine is a member of the Saskatchewan Writers Guild, Editors Canada, and a Publisher with SaskBooks. Catherine loves to hear from fans and their honest reviews of her work. She’s not afraid of criticism, but doesn’t engage with internet trolls. For those she has super secret magical powers that starve the trolls. Real trolls and other supernatural creatures are also welcome to email her.